Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Cairn on the Mountain

We were going to my great Aunt Mary's birthday party and when we were coming back my mom saw this little hike thing so we went up and did it. It was Miller State Park and Pack Monadnock Mountain. We didn't have time to do a hike by foot so we did it on the autoroad. The road was a steep switchback. We were surrounded by trees and then it opened up and we could see for like a hundred miles. So when we got up there we looked all over the place. There was a fire tower up there. We went up as high as we could but the top part where the man would stand was closed. We could see all the way to Boston and all directions.

So we took a hike. There were all these rocks we had to go down. Connor and I went down farther ahead. We found this weird kind of a pile of rocks. So we called Mom and Dad. Mom told me it was a cairn that's a big pile of rocks that were used a long time ago to mark property or burial sites. The cairn was about 5 feet tall and at the bottom is started off with bigger rocks and as it grew taller the rocks got smaller because so many people had been taking rocks and putting them on. It was shaped like a squeezed in "A".

We got to go down farther on the trail and then we came back up and went back home. If you want to learn more about cairns go to this website.


  1. Nice Wes!! Hey, are you going to blog about the meat restaurant?!

  2. Hey Wes this is kinsey thats really cool what you are doing, keep on doing it. Also, i was thinking it would be a good idea to blog about your trip to Indiana, and spending it with me and Kendall!!!!! Talk to you soon!!!!

  3. Yep great Idea Kinsey it`ll be real long
